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Week-by-week: A fun filled first year with your dog

A mouthy puppy is completely normal. Puppies perceiving everything as a chew toy is a natural part of their development. It is their way of learning the world, similar to babies discovering objects by touching. You will see this behavior especially during playtime, which can include nibbling on hands, feet and clothing. Save your hands, shoes, furniture and clothing from unwanted puncture marks from the dreaded puppy mouthiness.

Tips to combat your puppy’s piranha teeth

Not every pup learns the same way but here are a few ways you can help them understand that your hands aren’t toys.

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Having trouble leaving your dog alone? Check out this post on tips to curb Separation Anxiety

Puppy mouthiness have you at your wits end? Meet with one of our trainers to guide you through this stage and beyond.

Managing Your Puppy’s Needs

The first year with your dog is a year filled with exciting firsts, as well as challenging milestones. You are probably wondering what sort of changes you will have to make to your lifestyle with a new puppy, i.e., will they need to be drastic, how much attention and training does my dog need, and where do I begin? Don’t worry, we’ve got you!

a black puppy lying down with a blue ball in her mouth
Pre-Puppy planning, breeder, rescue expectations, and beyond Three Weeks Prior:

Discuss what your breeder or rescue is currently doing for the care of your puppy, set proper expectations.

Two Weeks Prior:
  • Schedule a session with a Trainer to create a schedule and start puppy-proofing your home. You should expect to go over
    • How to create a “safe zone”
    • Creating a dog’s schedule
    • Creating a consistent language for the household
  • Set up a Zoom call with New York Veterinary Practice to discuss your dog’s Annual Wellness Plan.
Day of arrival – tips for success:
Entering Your Home:
  • Take your dog to their “safe zone,” setup during your puppy-proofing. Your dog should have access to go in and out of the crate. Put kibble or a treat in the crate so there is positive association with the area.
  • Based on the schedule established with the Trainer, put down food and water (do not leave these down for more than 30 minutes). This will help your dog feel more comfortable.
  • Introduce your dog to your family and household. Do not approach all at once as this can be overwhelming. Allow your dog to come to you.
  • Tour your dog around your home, avoid areas you do not want them to go.
  • Now is a good time to begin your brief period of solitary downtime in the playpen / crate
    • Solitary downtime, or crating, should be no more than one hour per month of age
    • Avoid exceeding nine to ten hours in a day (not including sleeping periods).
    • This development is important for bladder control, preventing chewing / destructive behavior, and independence. A one hour period of aerobic exercises should follow these sessions.
Your puppy is home, has their own space, and is comfortable – what next? Check out this week-by-week guide to check in your and your puppy’s progress!
Welcome to Puppy 101!

We’re handing over the best puppy-rearing tips to ensure a smooth transition into your home for your puppy! You’ve been eagerly awaiting the day you can take your new best friend home from the dog kennel, but is your space ready to host an energetic young puppy? Are your cabinets too easily accessible? Can your pup possibly be exposed to harmful chemicals in your pantry?

Do you not even know where to begin?

Here’s where we come in.

Every heard of baby-proofing a house? You can puppy-proof your home as well!








Here’s your basic checklist:

  1. Secure your cabinets and doors! This one is super-important. Puppies (and dogs as well) cannot tell the difference between Drain-o and water. Don’t get careless with the substances around the house and keep all doors closed tightly and securely.
  2. Remove any and all sharp object out of reach. That means moving your cutlery to a higher shelf or drawer, keeping all scissors wrapped and put away, and of course keeping power tools and/or razor blades as far from the floor as possible.
  3. Cover all exposed electrical wiring and outlets. Nothing says “Chew me!” like a length of wiring. Prevent all electrical incidents by keeping plug-in appliances and electronics in safe, secure spots.
  4. Keep bowls/beds/pens out of the way of any possible falling debris. If things are always falling off your kitchen counter, don’t keep your puppy’s feeding bowls there.
  5. Keep unsupervised puppies in an enclosed pen or gate. Keeping your puppy enclosed may feel harsh, but this protects them from harming themselves until they have a better understanding of what’s a toy and what can harm them.

And finally, just use common sense. Whatever you see as a potential hazard to your pup, keep far away from their reach. Use foresite: your puppy will be growing stronger, faster, and smarter every day! So stay on top of potential hazards to prevent any injuries to your new ball of energy!

Biscuits and Bath offers private, at-home puppy proofing sessions. Our trainer will come meet you and your family with your dog to ensure their transition into your home is seamless!

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